The film everyone’s been talking about, „Berlin I Love You!“, the latest installment in the „I Love You“ series (previous offerings included Paris, New York, and Rio de Janeiro), and guess what: The movie isn’t even out yet, and already everyone in Berlin seems to agree that this is not an apt description of Berlin at all (e.g. not enough German actors of Turkish origin; no Döner Kebabs; no Club Mate; and so on). Then again others fear that this movie will contribute to the steadily rising real estate prices in this city and accelerate gentrification – already in full swing – even more.

The way I see it, people fearing gentrification because of a movie are no different from those with equally vague and irrational fears who take to the streets every Monday in places like Dresden.

Well, blame it on my age, but I actually like the idea of the likes of Helen Mirren, Keira Knightly, Toni Garrn and Sibel Kekilli uniting for a movie that revolves around the city I live in, no matter how accurate its depiction. And I feel quite put off by all the negative response this trailer has provoked so far, hoping that the actual movie will be met with more enthusiasm, more anticipation, in cities other than Berlin. My final judgment on it is reserved until I’ve actually seen the whole movie, once it’s out.

To watch the trailer, just click HERE!


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