
Lieber Martin,
wir sind nun wieder zu Hause und einer der eindrucksvollsten Erinnerungen an unsere Zeit in Berlin war die Tour mit Ihnen, Ihr fundiertes Wissen, die abwechslungsreiche Wanderung durch Berlins versteckte Hinterhöfe und die Geschichte über das jüdische Berlin, waren bereichernd und unvergesslich. Sie empfinden Freude und Leidenschaft für das was sie tun und das Resultat davon ist der Wunsch, bei unserem nächsten Aufenthalt in Berlin noch mehr Seiten dieser multikulturellen und geschichtsträchtigen Stadt mit Ihnen kennenzulernen. Vielen Dank für den wundervollen Tag.

– Hannah und Miriam Wolf, Mainz/ Germany 

Thank you very much for a really nice guided tour with a pleasant, highly knowledgeable guide with perfect English and an awareness of your guests! We also very much appreciated your flexibility when we first had to cancel, then changed our minds, and finally showed up for an adapted tour. Thanks!
– Hanne Wacher Kjaergaard, Associate Professor, VIA University College, Aarhus/ Denmark

Thank you, Martin. Dick and I thoroughly enjoyed our day with you in Berlin. We appreciated how you customized the day to exactly what we were looking for. Your knowledge of Berlin – historically and culturally – is impressive and provided us with another aspect of our trip that we couldn’t get any other way. It was fabulous – we highly recommend that other visiting in Berlin have to opportunity to see Berlin through your eyes.
– Janet & Dick Spirer, San Diego/ California
We enjoyed our time with Martin very much. We would certainly plan and contact him for another „Berlin Spaziergang“ occasion“
– Dr. Ivan Strauss & Ellen Levine, New York City/ US

It was my first trip to the German Capital and my tour guide, Martin, made it unforgettable! He showed me places around Berlin which I’d never found myself. As I’m elderly, he went out of his way to accommodate me and my needs. I’d book him again any time!
– Alan Gait, Bath/ UK

Martin was highly competent and very knowledgeable. He not only showed us Berlin, he also explained it, so having him made all the difference to our trip. Thank You!!!
– Paul Mamet, San Diego/ California/ US

Thanks to Martin, who gave our stay in Berlin his very special, very unique twist, what might have turned into a disaster was quite an intriguing experience as Martin knew exactly which museum to send us to, which restaurants and bars to recommend, and what else to do when it’s pouring down in buckets (and there’s lots! As we found out!)
– Michael Chambers, Lytham-St.-Anne’s/ UK & Paris/ France

Our tour guide, Martin, was not only extremely friendly and helpful, he was also fun to be with and interesting to talk to. Having booked him really was what it took to get to know Berlin properly!
– Cheryl and Tim Trafford-Wilkins, London/ UK

Both me and my partner found Berlin difficult to understand, difficult to ‚get‘, difficult to get a grasp on – until we had our pre-booked tour with Martin! He really made us see Berlin with different eyes. A fantastic experience!
– Yossi Zektzer and Francois Corbeil, Montreal/ Canada 

We found that unlike Rome or Paris, it takes some time to warm to Berlin and to truly get to know it, meaning, the real Berlin, which includes finding out where the hot spots are and so on. Martin ventured off the beaten track with us and so we discovered fascinating tucked away places which otherwise, we would never have gotten to know. Awesome.
– Matthew Brosius, Paris/ France + Washington DC/ US

We were booked on the „Berlin History Tour“ and so taken were we by Martin’s verve and knowledge, that we decided to book a second tour with him the following day. The tour of the sleepy, quaint neighbourhood of Friedenau was even more fascinating, as we’d never heard of that area before and without Martin wouldn’t even know that it existed!
– Louise LeSaint, Kirkham/ Lancashire/ UK

Many thanks again for a great tour on Tuesday, despite the cold and wet start! We took your advice about Potsdam and had a great day on Wednesday at Sans Souci etc. We enjoyed your knowledge, enthusiasm and friendliness very much. We would recommend you to anyone visiting Berlin, both for the tour itself and for all your valuable advice and help.
– Simon Kirk & friends, London/ UK

We did have such a great time on our tour. It was definitely our favorite part of our trip to Europe. You did such a good job explaining Berlin to us. We talked about about it a lot after we left. I will for sure look you up next time I’m in Berlin I hope to bring my parents in two years.
– Cory M. Bayer, Cleveland/ US

It was a pleasure to meet you on Wednesday. Thank you very much for a wonderful tour, we all  really enjoyed it and learned a lot more than we would have otherwise. We did take up your restaurant recommendation and go to Tocca Rouge that evening which was super !!
– Beverley & friends, London/ UK

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