„Nightclubbing“ was the title of a Grace Jones hit some 40 years ago, with lyrics going like this:

„We see people brand new people
They’re something to see
When we’re nightclubbing
Bright-white clubbing
Oh isn’t it wild?“

Berghain (formerly Ostgut), Berlin’s most famous club. Repeatedly voted among the world’s best clubs by DJ-Mag.


I don’t suppose Ms Jones had Berlin’s clubbing scene in mind when her song was first released (in 1980), but she may just as well have had. Over the years Berlin has regained – and defended – its status as the Capital of Nightclubbing, and chances are, Berlin could boast 4 opera houses instead of just 3 and even more theaters and museums – the city’s club-culture is what Berlin is most known for! As THIS article in The Guardian goes to show, never mind the fact that it’s been written some two years ago. Little, if anything’s changed. In fact, the city officials have since officially recognized the city’s unique club-culture as something that’s worth being guarded and, to some extent, even subsidized, as the Berlin clubs are a crucial part of the city’s DNA. As a result, the Berlin Senate pledges 1m Euros to help soundproof Berlin’s nightclubs.

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