Dieter Kosslick in his office at Potsdamer Platz. If you look closely, you can spot Hans Scharoun’s Philharmonic Hall in the background.

Photo: Berlinale

As the Berlinale’s is about to roll out the carpet tomorrow, its outgoing chief, Dieter Kosslick, is beginning to feel sentimental and starts musing about his future. At least so he says in an interview he gave to Screen Daily. As for me, I’m fully embracing the new era the festival is about to enter as the its new heads, Carlo Chatrian and Mariette Rissenbeek, are about to take over. For all of Kosslick’s much lauded wit – some of which, dare I say it, is rooted in his pidgin-English – and his connections the world over, I firmly believe that, first of all, having a man and a woman at the helm of the world’s third most important film festival, will inject the festival with new life. But more importantly, an Italian-Dutch duo is bound to inject the festival – which in my opinion has grown stale and dated in recent years – with some direly needed international … flair. Flavor. Input. At least so I hope!

Mariette Rissenbeek and Carlo Chatrian




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