Photo: Martin Sauter
Two days ago I attended a preview of this exhibition – whose official opening is tonight – revolving around the „November Group“. The „November Group“ was a loose association of various artists – Otto Dix, George Grosz, Hannah Höch, Paul Klee, Laszlo Maholy-Nagy, to name but a few – which emerged as a result of the November Revolution following the end of WWI.
The exhibition underscores the artistic freedom, made possible by the collapse of the monarchy in Germany and the burgeoning, free-wheeling Weimar Republic.
The „November Group“ also had some strong connections to their Dutch equivalent, „De Stijl“, of which, for instance, Piet Mondrian was a member.
All artists who belonged to the „November Group“ faced increasing problems following the seizure of power by the Nazis and eventually disbanded in 1935.
For more, click HERE!
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