When some years ago it was reported, that Canadian rock singer had bought an old factory in the Berlin district of Oberschöneweide, there were those who thought he’d gone mad and then again those, who already foresaw the second coming of this godforsaken neighborhood.
Turns out, the latter were proven right! Not only has the conversion of the erstwhile factory been completed, among the tenants are artists of international repute such as Olafur Oliasson, who deserted his studio in Prenzlauer Berg for Oberschöneweide, if you can believe it!
If not, you better believe it!
Yep, this is where it’s happening in Berlin nowadays, thanks to Bryan Adams. This neck of the woods – once deemed a no-go area – is now the new Mitte. But turning blind spots into hot spots is not the only thing Adams does when in Berlin. He also contributes to Zoo Magazine – an art mag which is partly based in Berlin – and at the moment, Adams‘ very own artwork – his photographs – can be admired at Camera Works, one of Berlin’s most renowned galleries specializing in photography.
„Bryan Adams: Exposed“, at Camera Works, Kant Strasse 149, Berlin- Charlottenburg, until February 9, 2019
For a preview of the converted factory, or should you be interested in acquiring one of the last remaining units, click on the following link for a detailed look: Spreehalle-Broschuere.1540451912
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